Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Another major downtown gallery has made news in The Times because of a big move to Harlem.  Elizabeth Dee Gallery is one of the many notable establishments in West Chelsea's gallery neighborhood and will be moving to that corner retail space where Boma Coffee used to be several years ago.  There will actually be 12,000 square foot spread out between 2 floors at the address on Fifth Avenue by 126th street and the location is quite near to artist Ugo Rondinone's home which used to be a church.  Art world photographer Gianfranco Gorgoni has a brownstone just a couple of blocks further north and gallery owner Gavin Brown lives just a bit south in the Mount Morris Park Historic District.  Gavin Brown will actually debut a gallery in the industrial part of Manhattanville later on this year so Harlem is really becoming the new alternative part of Manhattan for key figures in one of the city's big cultural scenes.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the neighborhood. I remember growing up in downtown Manhattan in the early 80s. Chelsea was a gritty, drug and crime-ridden wasteland. But it had big open lofts, which attracted many artists and galleries. Eventually, the Yuppies followed. Then development. Then real estate prices soared. That's what often happens. The artists make a neighborhood trendy, and then the Yuppies and hipsters follow.
