Thursday, December 9, 2010

☞ ARCHITECTURE: Circular Motifs at 226 Lenox

A reader mentioned on in our earlier post this week that the circular wreath motifs at 226 Lenox Avenue were indeed getting replaced so we had to walk by and take a look.  As folks might remember, there were  three very worn looking wreath bas-reliefs (last photo) at the front of the brownstone just south of 122nd Street that is currently finishing up renovations.  The surface was skimmed over during the restoration process and we just assumed that the stoop wall would remain bare.  As shown in the 2nd photo down, a series of medallions have been added on in the final phase and now have been painted a brownstone hue.  We are wondering if there wasn't just enough detail left on the original wreaths so the Landmarks Commission decided it was okay to go with the medallions instead?  There's a lot basic geometric motifs in some of the Neoclassical buildings out there so we don't mind the new look so much.


  1. just hideous.

    And check the second story windows.

  2. they’re freakin’ ceiling medallions.

  3. You can find much nicer plaster ceiling medallions and other Emblems on eBay. I put them all over my house. These look cheap and tacky. Maybe they would look better if they filled in the center holes with another decorative element. I am at least glad they did not go with that awful fire engine red I saw in the last pictures

  4. What was somebody thinking? Or not thinking?

  5. Tacky Tacky Tacky.....
    You would think if they spent that much money to buy the house they would fix it with some taste and understanding of it's past.

  6. If Landmarks allows these Home Depot ceiling medallions to be placed on the wall they are clearly not doing their job. Ditto with the gloss paint they've put on the building.

  7. Even less attractive in real life. Looks like three hubcaps stuck to the wall. All it needs is a bunch of geraniums in a white painted tractor tyre with scalloped edges. Actually I’m rather fond of tyre-planters. But not on Lenox.

  8. Just a reminder to have User Names ready on each post. We have been publishing a couple under "Guest" but if too many Anons start appearing again, the comments will be removed.
