Thursday, February 2, 2012

☞ ARCHITECTURE: A Brownstone Garage

A house with a garage is a rare amenity in Manhattan but a few brownstones owners solve that problem by building them just right out front.  The above building in Central Harlem has replaced the front stoop with apartment entrances on both sides of the townhouse addition and has the coveted garage at the center.  Overall, the whole structure looks like one of the traditional storefront additions found on some brownstones facades facing the avenues but roll down gates detract from this illusion. Another notable point is that the space above the addition is now a pleasant terrace and somewhat makes up for the lack of the front yard. If the doors were wood paneled and the garage entrance made to look like carriage house gates, this might actually be charming.


  1. Love the idea, dislike the choice of gates. A beautiful wooded gate would have been nicer.

  2. Hi Ulysses,

    This image that you posted of a "Garage" is actually the receiving dock for the Mushtari Hardware Store on the 125th Street side.
