Tuesday, June 3, 2014


A townhouse at 431 West 162nd Street by the historic blocks around the Morris Jumel Mansion is up on the market for $2.475 million and will test the value of this north most section of Sugar Hill.  This is technically in Washington Heights but Sugar Hill spans to this area as far a traditional views of Harlem goes but will there be enough charm here to find a buyer at this price point?  Some great original details and somewhat decent finishes can be found inside but there is still not much going on as far as immediate amenities in the area.  With that said, the surrounding blocks are a revelation for those interested in an intact brownstone neighborhood and is one of the most breathtaking in the city.  This one of the only areas uptown where belgian stones still exist on some of the side streets.  More on the broker site: LINK


  1. Beautiful house, but above 145th street might be a tough sell.

  2. Perhaps, but #436 was sold a couple of weeks ago at 2.25 million. And Ulysses is correct, amenities are sorely lacking in this immediate area. Although the local C-Town supermarket has improved significantly of late, the restaurant and entertainment scene is sorely lacking. There is the recently opened Heights Tavern which is a branch of Harlem Tavern and is just as good and very popular. Margo's is down on West 157th St. & B'way along with Taszo over on Edward Morgan Place. But the area really needs more and more. On the other hand, this townhouse (I'm reluctant to call the houses in this area brownstone, 'cause brownstone they ain't) this house does look directly at Roger Morris Park and the Morris-Jumel Mansion. The lovely Sylvan Terrace is half a block away and the lovely Marjorie Elliott still holds court at 555 which is just one block south.

    Recently the Morris Jumel Mansion has been having art installation shows from local artists and recently local musicians have been encouraged to come to the Mansion and hold concerts. So with time things will look up. Its a historically significant nabe and that I'm sure is a selling point. Oh and did I forget the public transportation nexus just can't be beat.
