Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Since the government raised the taxes to current market value for all empty land parcels in the city last year, property owners have suddenly been inclined to sell property that has been abandoned for decades.  Two such lots can be found over by 221 and 225 West 122nd Street which is close to the FBD corridor in South Harlem.   Each is going for $750K and they probably had a couple of narrow townhouse that measured only 12.5-foot-wide at location at one point in time. The addresses are a bit confusing because a Number 223 does not exist and we assume these are two adjacent parcel based on what we can see when walking by the block.  As far as the old carriage house is concerned next door, that historic building has been sold and some neighbors fear that the new owners will demolish the building for a new construction: LINK

1 comment:

  1. What I find amusing is that cb10 in the start of BP Brewer's reign was asked to count all the empty lots in the district. Council member Dickens had no idea of how many lots, but someone could just pick up the phone and ask for a list from Sanitation, but nobody on cb10 knew this.
